

8 Years


As we hear from the verse in Genesis‬ ‭9:7‬[AMP], that says “As for you, be fruitful and multiply; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it.” We are driven to help you increase in the area of work that you have been called to serve.

We believe that you are called to expand and Multiply as it’s said in Genesis 1:22[AMP] “And God blessed them, saying, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” “, and so we are driven to help you do so with both the resources you have and with additional resources as and when needed

Be fruitful, and multiple in the areas you are called to serve


Born in Bangalore, India; a graduate in Bachelor of Commerce with corporate experience of 11 years in several sectors such as Banking, Insurance, Logistics, and in the Sports. In 2014, I heard GOD’S call over my life and started as a full time volunteer in a House of prayer. Since then God has equipped and placed it on my heart to go out and serve and equip church in media. In 2018, I stepped out to freelance for churches. This journey helped me meet, train, consult, design, address various needs of the churches and other organization.


Bangalore based, commerce graduate with overall 11 years of experience in Project Management , Training and Development, people engagement, communications, business transformation, change management across various functions and roles. My heart is to serve the churches in whatever capacity I can by partnering with my husband.

Let's make something awesome together.